
About Us

I am asked what I enjoy most about practicing orthodontics in our community. For me, the answer is always the same… It is the people I meet and my memories of them.

Over the last 25 years, my wife Lynn, and I have shared our lives with the lives of our patients. We have watched our young patients grow up and raise families of their own. We have shared in the joy and pain of life – births, deaths, victory, disappointment and celebration.

We have all touched the lives of each other in a way that has helped to shape me as a man, a husband, a father and a doctor. Lynn and I thank each of you for sharing your lives with us and enriching ours.

Today our practice is as fresh and full of energy as ever. As our practice family continues to grow, let me share some of those wonderful memories with you. My prayer for each of you is that your life be as blessed as mine.

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