
For Parents

Being a Parent

As parents ourselves, we know that you want to give your children every opportunity to have a happy, healthy, successful life.  Part of that dream includes good dental health and an attractive smile.  An early exam assures maximum dental health for your child.  Prevention is one of the cornerstones of Dr. Newhart’s orthodontic philosophy.
Learn about Two-Phase Treatment >>

Your First Visit

At the first visit Dr. Newhart will examine your child’s mouth and explain his observations to you. While this first exam does not always result in immediate treatment, it allows Dr. Newhart to determine how and when your child’s particular problem should be treated for maximum improvement with the least time and expense and the most comfort.

Our Office

A visit to our office is a visit to a warm and secure environment.  In our office you will feel the professionalism which is integrated with an understanding and caring for the younger individual. Helping and influencing children and young people is one of Dr. Newhart’s great passions.

Your Child

Today’s children don’t have to be urged into treatment.  The very young ones are curious and love the colorful retainers.  They are one of our best co-operation groups.  The older children and their peers understand the self-confidence gained from a beautiful smile and they are proud of the tangible sign of love and concern that you have shown them. For those teens that are resistant to braces, newer techniques like Invisalign Teen are often a viable option.

Advanced Orthodontics

Dr. Newhart’s pioneering use of time release archwires and other advanced techniques have separated our office from most for over 25 years. Orthodontic treatment with these newer methods is  faster and more comfortable with reduced time in treatment.  These advances, along with flexible payment plans, have made orthodontics available to everyone.

A Family Affair

We also want to extend this welcome to you the parent.  An attractive smile is great at any age because when you look good you feel good.  Many parents have orthodontic treatment themselves, along with their children – a family affair!
