
Accelerated Orthodontics - Testimonials

testimonial pic “You and your staff have been my 'Make a Wish'. Thank you so much Dr Newhart and the entire Newhart Orthodontic Team!" –Judy

testimonial pic "I am so happy with my smile! I wish I had actually done this much sooner.

My teeth are so nice, my friends thought I just got porcelain veneers. I am so happy I decided to go with your Natural Smile Makeover using my own teeth! Thank you so much!" –Kathleen

testimonial pic "I have always hated my smile and straight, white teeth on me is a dream come true.

I almost got veneers from my general dentist before I heard about your office from a friend. I am glad I didn't! Dr. Newhart, you and your staff are awesome! " –James

testimonial pic "My main concern when I came in was the embarrassment of my crooked teeth. I was always self conscious when I smiled. My teeth are now perfectly straight…and in only a few short months. I am getting used to smiling!!!!" -Cody

testimonial pic "I've never felt more comfortable in a dental office. All of the people were welcoming and comforting… and I still can't believe my smile in only 3 months. Simply amazing!" –Janet

testimonial pic "I was so pleased my Smile Makeover, I had to write you a short note. I would recommend Dr. Newhart to anyone. I was beginning to have gaps between my teeth and I really did not want braces or veneers. The Smile Makeover that you did for me is outstanding!! Thank you so much." –Lauren