
Two Phase Orthodontic Treatment

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Most dental and jaw growth problems get worse with time, not better. Research has shown that prevention is better than cure. Certain dental and skeletal imbalances are best treated while the child is still growing, producing benefits and avoiding problems that occur when treatment is delayed until the child is older.

  • Crowding
  • Crossbites/palatal constriction
  • Lost dental space
  • Facial asymmetry
  • Jaw growth problems
  • Functional problems
  • Excessive overbite/overjet
  • Airway problems

The two phase treatment separates orthodontic treatment into two time periods. Each period is timed to accomplish specific goals that are best treated at a specific time and stage of development of the child. This is the preferred method of treatment. An easy way to remember is that: Phase I is Orthopedic. Phase II is Orthodontic.

Mixed Dentition
(Permanent and Baby Teeth)
1 - 1.5 years treatment
Periodic Appointments
with Dr. Newhart
Full Permanent Dentition
Correction of Crowding, Functional, Formative, and Skeletal Problems Adjustments and Measuring Growth And Development Final Correction of Tooth Position, Functional and Skeletal Problems

PHASE I (Orthopedic Phase)

A typical two phase treatment consist of a first phase of approximately 12-18 months of orthopedic treatment. This is normally competed during the mixed dentition (i.e., permanent and baby teeth are present) for the best final result. Treatment at early ages produces benefits that would be more limited if treated at a later time.


Your child will typically be seen every 3-6 months depending on Dr. Newhart’s recommendation. While in between phases, your child should always have a current scheduled appointment. If you do not have one, please call the office to schedule for this important stage of treatment. There is no additional charge for these important office visits.

PHASE II (Orthodontic Phase)

The second and final phase of orthodontic treatment generally begins after most baby teeth are lost. Dr. Newhart needs to determine the exact timing. This phase usually requires about 12-18 months of treatment. Final correction of tooth position and bite refinements, important to function, are achieved in this stage.

The Value of Two Phase Treatment

  • Increased stability
  • No headgear / neck gear
  • Improved function
  • Less time in braces
  • More non-extraction treatment
  • Improved airway
  • Nicer, wider smile
  • Harmonious facial growth
  • More comfortable treatment
  • Less need for jaw-surgery