
Orthodontic Glossary

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Do you know your distal from your mesial? Your labial from your lingual? If not, here is a list of the more commonly used orthodontic words and terms that are common to orthodontics. For more information or clarification, please call us. We donĂ­t mind at all!!

Airway - A general term for the passage way extending from the mouth and nose to the lungs.

Alveolar Bone - The bone in which the roots of the teeth sit.

Alveolar Mucosa - The thin tissue that covers the inside of the mouth, except the palate and the areas surrounding the teeth.

Angulation - Pertaining to the long axis of the tooth.

Ankylosis - Struck in the bone. Usually associated with primary teeth.

Anterior - Front, frontal aspect.

Apnic Episode - A temporary blockage of the airway; see Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

Appliances - Orthodontic devices used for the purpose of influencing tooth positioning.

Archwire - The wire that connects the bands and brackets together into one appliance.

Bandery - Adhesion of orthodontic brackets and other attachments to the teeth with a glue-like material.

Band Cement - A glue-like material used to secure orthodontic bands and other appliances.

Banding - The procedure of fitting and cementing a band on a tooth.

Bicuspid - One of eight single or multi-rooted teeth in a complete adult dentition. Approximately one half the width of a molar.

Bihelix - A two looped intraoral appliance used to increase the size of the dental arch; mostly used on the lower arch.

Bonding - Adhesion of orthodontic brackets and other attachments to the teeth with a glue-like material.

Braces - Bands and brackets with the arch wire make up the basic orthodontic appliance.

Bracket - An orthodontic attachment banded to a tooth to act as a handle on the tooth.

Bruxism - Habitual grinding or rubbing together of the upper and lower teeth, often during sleep, may cause tooth wear.

Buccal - See Labial

Canine - See cuspid.

CareCredit - A finance option that allows patients to make lower monthly payments for orthodontic treatment over an extended period of up to 7 years.

Caries - Tooth decay.

Cement - A glue-like material used to secure orthodontic bands and other appliances.

Class I Dental - Horizontal relationship where upper and lower teeth meet correctly.

Class I Skeletal - Horizontal relationship where the upper and lower jaw bones are balanced.

Class II Dental - Horizontal relationship in which the upper teeth are too far forward or the lower teeth are too far back.

Class II Skeletal - Horizontal relationship in which the upper jaw is too far forward or the lower jaw is too far back.

Class III Dental - Horizontal relationship where the upper teeth are too far back or the lower teeth are too far forward.

Class III Skeletal - Horizontal relationship where the upper jawbone is too far back or the lower jaw bone is too far forward.

Clear Braces - Brackets made from a number of materials – our office uses brackets of synthetic sapphire which do not stain.

Clear Retainer - See Retainer. A removable retainer made of polypropylene.

Clenching - Habitual clamping together of the upper and lower teeth. The teeth should be slightly apart when a person is relaxed.

Crossbite - Upper teeth fit behind rather than in front of the lower teeth. May be anterior or posterior.

Crowding - Can occur where the dental arches are too small for the size of the teeth or from extra teeth.

Cuspid - One of four teeth located at the corners of the mouth. The longest tooth in the mouth due to long tooth length.

Decalcification - White spots on the enamel usually noted around the bracket or band and at the gum line.

Deciduous Dentition - See Primary Dentition

Deep Bite - Upper front teeth come to the lower front teeth too much.

Dental - Pertaining to the teeth.

Dental Arch - The parabola shaped curve that is formed by the teeth and their supporting bone.

Dental Bite - See Occlusion

Dental Midline - The space or meeting point between the upper central incisors or the lower central incisors.

Dentition - Referencing to a set of teeth.

Dentofacial - Pertaining to the teeth and the face.

Dentofacial Imbalance - Malformation of the dentofacial complex. Results in disharmony in size, form or function. Includes malocclusion, skeletal & soft tissue deformities, and muscular dysfunctions.

Dentofacial Orthopedics - A more descriptive synonym for orthodontics. See Orthodontics.

Diastema - A space located between the two front teeth.

Distal - Referring to the side of a tooth that is closet to the midline.

Dysfunction - Impaired function caused by injury or disease.

Dysplasia - Abnormality in development.

Edge to Edge - The tips of the upper front teeth meet the lower front teeth rather than being slightly in front.

Energize - See Energy Tie.

Energy Tie - An elastic ring or chain used to fasten an arch wire to a bracket or band.

Eruption - Movement of teeth out of the supporting bone. Initial eruption takes place in childhood when a tooth moves into position into the dental arch. Secondary eruption takes place throughout life to compensate for wear, and may accelerate with loss of an opposing tooth that may allow eruption to progress beyond normal levels.

Exfoliation - The normal process of loss o a baby tooth allowing replacement by a permanent tooth.

Expansion Retainer - An active appliance used to widen the dental arches.

Extraction - Removal of a primary or permanent tooth.

Facial Imbalance - When the major bones of the face have grown in a disproportionate or asymmetrical way.

Facial Midline - A vertical line separating the face into left and right halves, allowing analysis of symmetry.

Finance Company - Outside companies that our office uses to create the option for a patient to have low monthly payments that extend beyond the estimated time in treatment; see orthodontic fee plan. See Orthodontist Fee Plan, PatientFinance.Com, Reliance Financial and CareCredit.

Frenectomy - Removal of a frenula or frenum.

Frenum - A soft tissue attachment consisting of aleveolar mucosa located in the gingival region.

Frontal - Pertaining to the front or anterior area.

Gingiva - The tissue that immediately surrounds the tooth.

Gingival Display - The amount of gum tissue that shows above the upper front teeth when smiling.

Gingivitis - Inflammation of the gingiva or gums.

Growth Observation - The doctor monitors growth and development prior to orthodontic treatment or in between phases.

Gummy Smile - A condition where a person shows an excessive amount of gum tissue above the upper teeth when smiling.

Gums - See Gingiva

Hard Palate - The roof of the mouth. The palatal dome is covered with tissue.

Hawley Retainer - See Retainer. A removable retainer made of stainless steel and acrylic.

Headgear - Common generic term for extraoral or outside the mouth appliance used to move teeth or influence growth.

Herbst Appliance - An active appliance used to reduce overbite and overjet and correct lower jaw growth.

Impaction - Inhibition or prevention of full eruption of a tooth by blocking effect of another tooth, bone or soft tissue.

Impression - A copy of the teeth usually made with an elastic compound for the purpose of making a study model.

Incisal - Used to identify the cutting edge of the front teeth.

Incisor - One of eight front teeth, four upper and four lower; main function is to cut or incise food.

Initial Eruption - Movement of teeth out of the supporting bone. Initial eruption takes place in childhood when a tooth moves into position into the dental arch. Secondary eruption takes place throughout life to compensate for wear, and may accelerate with loss of an opposing tooth that may allow eruption to progress beyond normal levels.

Intraoral Orthotic - A retainer-like appliance used for conservative treatment of certain jaw problems.

Invisalign - A series of clear removable aligners are used to move teeth rather than braces.

Jaw Clicking/Popping - A sign of a mechanical problem with jaw functions.  May be painless or painful; may involve osteoarthritis. 

Jaw Crepitus - A sign of a mechanical problem with jaw joint function. May be painful or painless. Usually involves disc perforation and osteoarthritis.

Kiddie Program - Our hallmark of prevention, involving cavity prevention, early detection and avoidance of orthodontic problems.

Labial - Used to identify the tooth surface that faces outward; pertaining to the lip.

Lateral - Pertaining to the side.

Lingual - Used to identify the tooth surface that faces inward; pertaining to the tongue.

Lingual Arch - An orthodontic appliance consisting of a small wire which fits behind the lower teeth and is attached to a back tooth on each side.

Lingual Braces - Brackets which are attached behind the teeth where they do not show. These are used for maximum aesthetics.

Malocclusion - Improper bite or meeting of the upper and lower teeth.

Mandible - The lower jaw bone; this is the only moveable bone in the skull.

Maxilla - The upper jaw bone which includes the base for the dental arch, the midface region and the cheek bones.

Medial - Toward the midline.

Mesial - Referring to the side of a tooth that is closest to the midline.

Metal Braces - Brackets which are made from surgical grade stainless steel.

Midline - The space or meeting point between the upper central incisors or the lower central incisors.

Mixed Dentition - A combination of adult teeth and baby teeth present in the mouth. Usually associated with the 5-13 year old age groups.

Molar - One of twelve multi-rooted teeth in a complete dentition. Function includes chewing and maintaining support of facial vertical proportion.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea - When the airway becomes completely blocked intermittently while sleeping. Can be life threatening.

Occlusal - Used to identify the chewing surface of the back teeth.

Occlusion - The relationship of the upper and lower teeth as they are brought into functional contact.  Improper bite is Malocclusion.

Open Bite - Not enough overlap of the upper and lower teeth.

Orthodontic - Involving or pertaining to tooth position.

Orthodontic Fee Plan - A finance option that allows patients to pay for orthodontic treatments over an extended period of up to 5 years.

Orthodontics - The area of dentistry concerned with the supervision, guidance and correction of the dentofacial structures, including those conditions that require movement of the teeth.

Orthopedic - Involving bone growth. Involving or pertaining to the bone.

Osseous - Pertaining to the bone.

Osteoarthritis - An inflammatory process that includes the bones and tissue of the jaw joints.

Osteotomy - Sectioning the bone.

Overbite - The vertical overlap of the teeth.

Overjet - The horizontal overlap of the teeth.

Palatal - Pertaining to the palate or roof of the mouth; see lingual

Palatal Constriction - Narrow palate.

Panel Provider - An orthodontic office which cooperates with an insurance company to provide service to its members at a reduced rate.

PatientFinance.Com - A finance option that allows patients to make lower monthly payments for orthodontic treatment over an extended period of up to 5 years.

Periodontics - Area of dentistry involving the hard and soft tissues which surround the roots of the teeth.

Periodontists - Inflammatory or non-inflammatory process of involuntary loss of supporting bone of the teeth.

Permanent Dentition - Only adult teeth are present in the mouth.

Phase I - Orthopedic phase of a two phase treatment.

Phase II - Ortohdontic phase of a two phase treatment.

Plaque - Whitish, glue-like, acidic material that forms as a bacterial byproduct causing gum inflammation and tooth decay.

Posterior - Back, rear aspect.

Premolar - See bicuspid.

Prevention - Interception or avoiding problems before they become worse.

Primary Dentition - Only baby teeth are present in the mouth.

Profile - The side view of the face.

Prophylaxis/Fluoride - Polishing and cleaning of the teeth followed by topical application of fluoride to harden the teeth against decay.

Protrude - Too far forward.

Quadhelix - A four looped intraoral appliance used to increase the size of the dental arch; mostly used on the upper arch.

Reliance Financial - A finance option that allows patients to make lower monthly payments for orthodontic treatment over an extended period of up to 5 years.

Resting Phase - The time between Phase I and Phase II during which the doctor monitors growth and development.

Retainer - Any orthodontic appliance, fixed or removable, used to maintain teeth in corrected positions during the period of adaptation following corrective treatment.

Retention - The passive treatment period following active orthodontic correction during which retaining appliances may be used.

Rotation - A tooth that is out of position and twisted on the long axis.

Secondary Eruption - Movement of teeth out of the supporting bone. Initial eruption takes place in childhood when a tooth moves into position into the dental arch. Secondary eruption takes place throughout life to compensate for wear, and may accelerate with loss of an opposing tooth that may allow eruption to progress beyond normal levels.

Self Esteem - An inner sense of ones’ innate value or worth. Related to self image.

Skeletal - Pertaining to the bones.

Skeletal Imbalance - See Dentofacial Imbalance.

Sleep Appliance - A removable retainer-like intraoral appliance worn while sleeping to improve airway and breathing; non-surgical treatment.

Soft Palate - The soft tissue that extends behind and posterior to the hard palate.

Splint - Common term to describe an intraoral orthotic; see intraoral orthotic.

Study Model - Popular name for a cast of the teeth, usually made of plaster or lab stote.

Surgical Orthodontics - Orthodontics enhanced with jaw surgery to correct jaw imbalances that have occurred through unbalance growth.

Temporomandibular Joints - The jaw joints. They allow the lower jaw to move. Located directly in front of the ear canal; abbreviated as TMJ.

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction - A group of signs and symptoms associated with the TM joint.  May involve changes within the jaw joints, ligaments, muscles or nerves.

Thumb Sucking - Habitual

Tinnitus - Ringing in the ears.

Tongue Crib - An orthodontic appliance which helps to break the habit of thumb sucking and is also used to reposition and retrain a tongue habit.

Tongue Thrust - A tongue positioning habit which can influence the position of the teeth as well as facial growth. May be lateral or frontal, unilateral or bilateral. Related to tongue posture.

Transpalatal Arch - TPA. An orthodontic appliance consisting of a small wire which goes across the palate and attaches to an upper molar on each side.

Two Phase Treatment - Separates orthodontic treatment into two separate time periods with each period being the best time to correct specific problems.  Used for some children and adolescents.

Underbite - A slang word to a cross bite of the front teeth or a protrusion of the lower jaw.