
Lingual Braces - FAQ

What are Lingual Braces?
How are Incognito Lingual Braces made?
Why chose Lingual Braces?
Who can wear Lingual Braces?
Is there an advantage of one brand of Lingual braces over another?
Why don’t all orthodontist offer Lingual braces?
Do I need to be referred?
How much is the initial consultation?
What about costs?

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What are Lingual Braces?

Lingual braces are invisible to the outside world. Only you know that you are wearing braces. They are applied behind the teeth. They were developed right here in Beverly Hills in the 1980’s. Dr. Scott Newhart, Dr. Craven Kurz, Dr Bob Smith and Dr Jack Gorman were all early pioneers in the technique.

There are several variations of the technique, but all lingual braces are customized to the patient’s individual teeth for comfort and efficiency. Each manufacturer claims that they are superior, but all lingual braces in an experienced doctor’s hands work wonderfully well.

Here is an adult patient before and after four months of treatment. Treatment is not yet complete.

How are Incognito Lingual Braces made?

1. Preparation

A very precise impression of your teeth is taken and then sent to a special Orthodontic Laboratory. The laboratory uses the impressions to make stone models of your teeth. Dr. Newhart then works with the laboratory technician to move all the teeth to their final and ideal positions to create an outstanding result for you. After Dr. Newhart is satisfied he has the laboratory fabricate custom lingual braces and wires for you.

2. Making Your Customized Incognito Hidden Braces.

Every orthodontic company has its own brand.  As an example, if Dr. Newhart is using Incognito Hidden Braces, he uses new CAD/CAM and rapid prototyping technologies to design and fabricate your customized Hidden Braces with a highly durable dental gold alloy. A set of precision wires is also designed and then bent using robotic technology created by OraMetrix.

3. Your New Lingual Braces.

Your custom-made Lingual Braces arrive at our office approximately 3-4 weeks after your impressions are taken. We use a very precise process for preparing your teeth in order to attach your new braces (brackets). After your braces are on, you need to return for monitoring and progress appointments until we complete your treatment.

Why chose Lingual Braces?

  • If there are circumstances where you prefer not to wear Invisalign, but you need maximum esthetics
  • If your treatment goals are beyond what Dr. Newhart can provide with Invisalign
  • Maximum esthetics with minimal discomfort and speech interference.
  • Braces are customized to fit your teeth for best results.
  • Same treatment times and appointment sequence as regular braces

Who can wear Lingual Braces?

Most teens and adults who have all their permanent teeth should be able to wear Lingual Braces. Dr Newhart has treated patients from early teens to 70+ years ole. During your FREE CONSULTATION, we will recommend the best treatment modality for you.

Is there an advantage of one brand of Lingual braces over another?

No. Dr. Newhart is an expert in the use of lingual braces and he uses all manufacturers’ products. All manufacturers claim that they are the best. Much more important than the manufacturer is choosing the correct doctor for your care.

Why don't all orthodontist offer Lingual braces?

Most orthodontists are not trained in using Lingual Braces. The use of Lingual braces takes additional training and a lot of experience to become proficient in this technique.

Do I need to be referred?

No, you do not need to be referred by a general dentist to Dr. Scott Newhart, although many general or family dentists refer many of their patients to us. If you have concerns about the health or appearance of your or your child's teeth, smile, or facial development and would like a FREE ORTHODONTIC CONSULTATION, call our office now or schedule an appointment now.

How much is the initial consultation?

Your initial consultation is FREE, because we consider it to be an important first step in your orthodontic health and a great opportunity to welcome you into our family.

What about costs?

Every person (adult or child) that has received a FREE CONSULTATION at any one of our offices has always been able to afford to have Dr. Newhart treat them - without exception.

The total cost varies for each person depending on the complexity of the orthodontic problem. Because our modern materials and techniques often require fewer visits, you might be surprised how affordable your orthodontic treatment can be.

A beautiful, healthy smile is one of the best investments you can make in your or your child's future. To help you fit this investment into your budget, we offer a variety of payment methods:

  • In-house financing with no interest, no down payment with the balance paid over your treatment time.
  • Outside financing that offers no down payment and very low monthly fees extended beyond your treatment time.
  • Payment in full with a courtesy bookkeeping discount.
  • Automatic Credit Card payments. All major credit cards accepted.
  • ALL insurance plans. We accept payment and we are IN-Network for all Insurance plans.